December 21, 2014, Category: WritingTips

If you want to write stories but don’t know where to start, here is a suggestion. This did the trick for me. It’s not complicated and if you are anything like me, you’ll enjoy it. I’ll follow-up this post with a new one each week geared to help you keep moving forward.

Writing Tips #1: Where to Start


This is one several writing tips, all located here: 10 Tips for Writing Awesome Stories.

I’ve wanted to be a writer for most of my life but it has only been the past few years that I’ve finally figured out how to take ideas and turn them into stories. Although I’m still working on my craft, it’s nice to be able to write stories that people actually enjoy rather than just imagining I’m doing it. But it has been a long road for me. Way too long.

I’ve read books, attended conferences, participated in writer’s groups, and racked up hundreds of rejection letters. I still pull in plenty of rejections. Add to that the fact that I work a day job because I can’t make a living writing and you might question my ability to give writing advice. You aren’t alone, I question it too.

But I’ve enjoyed the success of others enjoying my writing and ideas to the extent that I feel good about sharing it. I plug away with the hope that maybe one day I’ll make a living at it but, honestly, having that hope is really all that matters. As long as I have that, even if I’m 95 years old, I have something to work for. I may take my dreams to the grave but they will carry me until that day. I’ve realized it’s not so critical that I actually get it or not. What’s is important is that I never stop dreaming.

I wish that I’d had a few pointers early on in my journey because I think I could have covered a bit more ground than I have in my 46 years. I also get asked for advice on how to write stories, how to edit, what books to read, and how to self-publish a book on Amazon and Kindle. I can help out in some of these areas and this series of articles will walk you through the process.

But the first task is the writing. Let’s forget about everything else for now and focus on two things:

1. Read (stories you enjoy).

2. Write (journaling, blogs, stories, whatever!).

To that end I have one simple starting task. Go buy Stephen King’s book, “On Writing.” Read it, do his assignment, and don’t worry about anything else. For me, it was exactly what I needed to move from wanting to write to actually writing.

Once you finish, see Writing Tip #2.

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One thought on “Writing Tips #1: Where to Start

  • By Edna - Reply

    Ohhh! That’s where I went wrong. I did all of those things, bought the book … all of it … except the “do the assignment” part. I’m really looking forward to your blogs and pointers. You have already helped me!

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